Reliability meets Accuracy: Testing with PAT-Cell and PAT-Tester-i-16.
We want to show the results of our last long-term measurement (2000 hours) with the PAT-Cell. The PAT-Cell is our reliable and well-proven workhorse for efficient three-electrode measurements in the field of battery material research.
In this measurement, five PAT-Cells were cycled in our temperature-controlled PAT-Tester-i-16 potentiostat at 25°C (3.0 to 4.2 V, CC-CV cycles at 0.1 C rate, 1 hour hold time at both voltage limits). We tested NCM 111 against graphite as electrode materials, with a reference electrode made of lithium metal and LP30 with 2% VC as the electrolyte. Aluminum seals were employed to achieve an extremely high Coulomb efficiency of more than 99.9% and capacity retention of 96%.
These results underline the reliability of the PAT-Cell for long-term measurements and the outstanding accuracy of the measuring electronics in the PAT-Tester-i-16, which was developed exactly for this kind of scenario.
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