PAT battery tester

Potentiostats / Galvanostats / Impedance Analyzers

Our PAT Battery Testers offer highly accurate multichannel testing for lithium-ion batteries and other chemistries.

PAT battery tester

Fully equipped multi-channel battery cyclers / potentiostats / galvanostats and impedance analysers with unique features.


The PAT-Tester-i-16 is a multichannel potentiostat with an integrated temperature chamber.

  • Up to 16 independent test channels for PAT-series test cells
  • Each channel with a fully featured potentiostat / galvanostat / impedance analyzer
  • Integrated temperature chamber with a range of +10 to +80°C

Product details


The PAT-Tester-x offers maximum flexibility with up to 8 channels for small scale and special purpose testing.

  • Up to 8 independent channels for PAT-series and other test cells
  • Each channel with fully featured potentiostat / galvanostat / impedance analyzer

Product details

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