

Operando test cell to adjust and measure the mechanical force applied to the cell stack

Sample test result

Cycling of NCM 111 vs Graphite in a PAT-Cell-Force

EL-CELL offers metal sealing rings for PAT series test cells for highest demands on cell tightness. This tool kit is designed to ensure the correct installation when using these metal seals. The handy assembly block holds the cell in place, while the torque wrench allows you to close the cell cover with the recommended amount of force.

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PAT-Cell-Force Assembly and force adjustment procedures (06/2023)

In this video, Dr Matthias Hahn explains all necessary steps to assemble and adjust the PAT-Cell-Force battery test cell. All steps must be performed in the glovebox.

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1920x1080px 06/2023 mov 52 MB Download


Our PAT series test cell especially suitable for the investigation of solid state electrolytes

The PAT-Cell-Force is a special operando test cell of the PAT series for the adjustment and measurement of the mechanical force applied on the cell stack. Thanks to the wide force range, the cell is suitable for both aprotic Li-ion battery chemistries with liquid electrolytes and solid state setups. The force on the cell stack can be set to up to 1500 N when assembling the cell and then monitored during the electrochemical cycle. Additional sensors allow for the simultaneous monitoring of gas pressure and temperature.
The modular PAT-Core concept warrants easy and efficient handling and enables 3-electrode measurements with a ring-shaped reference electrode when using liquid electrolytes. The PAT-Cell-Force is to be operated with an EL-CELL potentiostat like the PAT-Tester-x. All sensor signals are recorded and displayed in EL-Software.
Its advanced sealing concept with welded-in sensors and glass-to-metal sealed electrode feedthroughs make the PAT-Cell-Force perfect for stable long-term measurements. The PAT-Cell-Force is equipped with an electronic cell tag (PAT-Button) for automatic recognition in EL-Software.

PAT-Cell-Force overview


PAT series test cell for force adjustment and measurement, up to 1500 Newton (up to 5.9 MPa at 18 mm electrode diameter)

For aprotic chemistries with liquid and solid state electrolytes

Additional monitoring of gas pressure andv temperature

For 2- and 3-electrode with PAT-Core

Gas pressure sensor, pressure range of 0 to 3 bar abs.

Integrated PAT-Button for automatic cell identification

Electrode feedthroughs with glass-to-metal seals

Helium leak tested for high tightness


Height 104 mm
Diameter 49.5 mm
Weight 0.8 kg
Separator diameter 21.6 mm
Electrode diameter 18 mm
Temperature sensor -20 to 80 °C
Force sensor up to 1500 Newton (up to 5.9 MPa at 18 mm electrode diameter)
Gas pressure sensor 0 to 3 bar abs.
Operational temperature -20 to 80 °C

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